Solutions Grounded in the Fundamentals

Choose from our most popular HR support packages 

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Virtual HR Manager Package

Not ready for an in-house HR Manager, but need support and savvy on hand? Get access to a depth of experience and knowledge at a fraction of the cost of a full-time hire.

Your Virtual Manager will set you up with a solid foundation of policies, programs and materials, built with your company’s needs and culture in mind. Plus, they’ll be on-call for troubleshooting and support when questions, difficult conversations, or emergencies arise.

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Fundamentals & Workshop Package

The shortest path to strategic HR best practice. You’ve got the skills but need the knowledge.

It starts with an audit of your policies and HR functions to identify gaps and opportunities. From there, we will take you through a half-day workshop that identifies your company’s people and culture challenges, opportunities for improvement, and strategic initiatives that will help your organization thrive. You will walk away with a clear view of what people and culture changes will impact your business, and a tangible plan to execute.

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Kaitlin working at a desk

Ask HR – Strategy Call

You’ve got a specific problem or situation that you need guidance on. You’re not sure where to start but you know you need a plan. This is where we come in. 

Book a 90 minute call with someone who brings a decade of experience and knowledge to the table. We will review the issue, how we got to this point and the goal outcome. Together we will create an action plan for you and your team to execute. As part of this paid session, you will have access to any relevant templates or resource material that will help you on your way.  

We help you identify and connect the internal values of your company and ensure that they are woven into policy and daily interaction in a meaningful way.

We define company culture as: The decided shared values that each individual within an organization can hold each other accountable to, no matter their position within the business. There is the culture you have and the culture that you aspire to have and they don’t always line up.  That is where we come in.

Support Panda will help your company identify both the current culture and the goal culture for your team. Then, we coach you through weaving your values through policy/program creation and the employment experience.

Need something else? If you’re looking for support on a specific issue, initiative or challenge, let’s talk. Book a free discovery call, and we will find the approach that works for you.

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